My current boss looks a little like this guy.
He does a pretty good job staying on top of Kristin Gilger's 5 C's. For the most part, he's a competent, compassionate communicator with courage who encourages creativity.
I've seen the other side. I've known too well the boss who fit the adjectives that we listed on our jaunt down the streets of Pity City.
Today made me grateful. I also found tools during our discussion and role playing moments. (Jamie and Bridget will no doubt be administrators before we know it, they played it so well!)
Hard discussions must be had, and so many of these tools will help in conversations with parents and administrators in the future.
I know of one hard relationship that I will be returning to, and I know that these tools for better communication will help me treat others with respect. As Kristin said, "To get respect, you must show great respect."
Stephanie Platter
King's High School
Seattle, Wash.
Stephanie. I will say from experience there is nothing worse than dealing with a horrible boss. I have had mainly good bosses over the years, but I did have one really bad boss--and one is enough. That being said I am constantly amazed at how little people know about communication issues. I sit in on parent teacher conferences quite often and am shocked at how many people have no skills when it comes to dealing with others. When all else fails, channel Bridget!