During week one of the institute we had our hypothetical reporting scenario. Obviously Steve spent a LOT of time writing that one, because it was so involved. I was impressed!
Last school year I composed several hypothetical reporting scenarios for my students. I might be submitting my best one as my lesson plan for the institute, so I won't share it here. The one I am sharing here is not really a reporting scenario because all the information is already given to the students. This assignment works best at the VERY beginning when you're still teaching your students basic story structure.
I teach mostly freshmen girls, and a lot of them are Justin Bieber fanatics. I tried to poke fun of them with this.
Let me know how you like it.
A Hostage Situation!?
Elaine Broussard
Belle Chasse High School
Belle Chasse, La.
This is great, Elaine. I get a lot of freshman girls in by beginning journalism class as well...this will be SO fun! Thanks. Debbie